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Writing a Letter to Yourself (Free Printable)

Dear Self, I am writing this letter to remind you that you are an amazing woman. I am so proud to see how far you have come. I know you have experienced a lot of pain in your life, but do not let it stop you from reaching your goals. Remember you are important and have a purpose in life. Do not forget that each day you are capable of more than you know. Accept the mistakes you have made as learning experiences. Your story is still being written. Love yourself first and always stay focused. Do not give up on yourself, the best is yet to come. Love, Self Have you ever taken time to write yourself a "Dear self" letter? Writing a letter to yourself has many benefits such as helping to reduce anxiety and depression, regaining focus, and allows you to self-reflect. Writing yourself a letter is a great exercise and (self-care) tool helping you to achieve greater satisfaction in life. It's important that you give yourself the attention you deserve. When you neglect making yourself a priority you will begin to experience more challenges. Writing is one of my favorite coping skills I love to use that helps put my mind more at ease. I wanted to provide you all with another free printable that I felt could be useful towards your mental health. I created this letter template to help those who may struggle with where to begin when writing or as an additional resource to use when needed. When you write be sure you’re being honest and direct with yourself. It also helps if you create a time throughout the day or week to get this completed. If you decide to use this template, I would love to know your thoughts on it or see what you wrote if you feel comfortable sharing! For those who post it on social media, be sure to tag me @knicolewriting using hashtag #knicolewritingletter. Also, to make your writing experience more meaningful and effective, I recommend placing your letter in a self addressed envelope tucked away somewhere you can easily locate later. Print as many copies as you see fit and write away. Happy writing everyone!

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